93 research outputs found

    Marginality and Problem Solving Effectiveness in Broadcast Search

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    We examine who the winners are in science problem solving contests characterized by open broadcast of problem information, self-selection of external solvers to discrete problems from the laboratories of large R&D intensive companies and blind review of solution submissions. Analyzing a unique dataset of 166 science challenges involving over 12,000 scientists revealed that technical and social marginality, being a source of different perspectives and heuristics, plays an important role in explaining individual success in problem solving. The provision of a winning solution was positively related to increasing distance between the solver’s field of technical expertise and the focal field of the problem. Female solvers – known to be in the “outer circle” of the scientific establishment - performed significantly better than men in developing successful solutions. Our findings contribute to the emerging literature on open and distributed innovation by demonstrating the value of openness, at least narrowly defined by disclosing problems, in removing barriers to entry to non-obvious individuals. We also contribute to the knowledge-based theory of the firm by showing the effectiveness of a market-mechanism to draw out knowledge from diverse external sources to solve internal problems

    “Open” disclosure of innovations, incentives and follow-on reuse: Theory on processes of cumulative innovation and a field experiment in computational biology

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    AbstractMost of society's innovation systems – academic science, the patent system, open source, etc. – are “open” in the sense that they are designed to facilitate knowledge disclosure among innovators. An essential difference across innovation systems is whether disclosure is of intermediate progress and solutions or of completed innovations. We theorize and present experimental evidence linking intermediate versus final disclosure to an ‘incentives-versus-reuse’ tradeoff and to a transformation of the innovation search process. We find intermediate disclosure has the advantage of efficiently steering development towards improving existing solution approaches, but also has the effect of limiting experimentation and narrowing technological search. We discuss the comparative advantages of intermediate versus final disclosure policies in fostering innovation

    The core and the periphery in distributed and self-organizing innovation systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2006.Includes bibliographical references.The Internet has enabled the large-scale mobilization of individuals to self-organize and innovate outside of formal organizations. My dissertation consists of three studies examining the functioning of such self-organizing and distributed innovation systems. I focus on the differing roles of core and peripheral participants in the distributed innovation process and explore the potential generality of this new form of innovating. The first study explores a systematic method of broadcast search used by corporations to search for solutions to internal R & D problems by involving peripheral problem solvers - those who are outside of their organizations. I find that innovative solutions to difficult scientific problems can be effectively identified by broadcasting problems to a large group of diverse solvers in different fields. Broadcast search yields innovative solutions by peripheral solvers who are crossing scientific disciplines. The central characteristic of problems that were successfully solved is the ability to attract specialized peripheral solvers with heterogeneous scientific interests. The second study examines how participants jointly innovate in a Free and Open Source Software community. I find that members at the periphery - those outside of the core project team - are responsible for developing a majority of functionally novel software features.(cont.) In contrast, core members develop performance-related features. Peripheral members also initiate the majority of the development activity and provide critical input into the technical problem solving processes. Ongoing interactions between core and peripheral members are the primary enablers of collective problem solving. I discuss how core and peripheral members enact six work practices in jointly producing software in a distributed and virtual setting. The third study examines the motivation of core participants in 287 Free and Open Source Software communities. Theorizing on individual motivations for participating in communities has posited that external motivational factors in the form of extrinsic benefits as the main drivers of effort. I find that enjoyment-based intrinsic motivation, namely how creative a person feels when working on the project was the strongest and most pervasive driver of effort. I also find that user need, intellectual stimulation derived from writing code, and improving programming skills as top motivators for project participation.by Karim R. Lakhani.Ph.D

    Field Evidence on Individual Behavior & Performance in Rank-Order Tournaments

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    Economic analysis of rank-order tournaments has shown that intensified competition leads to declining performance. Empirical research demonstrates that individuals in tournament-type contests perform less well on average in the presence of larger number of competitors in total and superstars. Particularly in field settings, studies often lack direct evidence about the underlying mechanisms, such as the amount of effort, that might account for these results. Here we exploit a novel dataset on algorithmic programming contests that contains data on individual effort, risk taking, and cognitive errors that may underlie tournament performance outcomes. We find that competitors on average react negatively to an increase in the total number of competitors, and react more negatively to an increase in the number of superstars than non-superstars. We also find that the most negative reactions come from a particular subgroup of competitors: those that are highly skilled, but whose abilities put them near to the top of the ability distribution. For these competitors, we find no evidence that the decline in performance outcomes stems from reduced effort or increased risk taking. Instead, errors in logic lead to a decline in performance, which suggests a cognitive explanation for the negative response to increased competition. We also find that a small group of competitors, who are at the very top of the ability distribution (non-superstars), react positively to increased competition from superstars. For them, we find some evidence of increased effort and no increase in errors of logic, consistent with both economic and psychological explanations
